Petition to Stop the Church of England Discriminating against Gay Clergy

I’m happy to announce that the petition to stop the Church of England discriminating against gay clergy with partners has now gone public. I would be most grateful if you could consider signing this if you live in the UK, thank you.

You can find the petition here:

Many thanks

Anne Brooke

20 Lessons I’ve Learned Since Leaving the Church

Amen to this! 🙂


IMG_0196 My unapologetic, Black self. 2016.

I haven’t been to church in over a year now, and I’ve been pondering how I should address what I’ve discovered along the way. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you probably could’ve never guessed that I would end up here. I never imagined that I could exist outside the Church I once held so dear. But due to the routine state-sanctioned violence that is being inflicted on my people, and the inadequate response from the church (among other things), I have decided to remove myself entirely from a system that claims to value my soul, but fails to show up for my Black body. I’ll probably end up writing a book about this one day, but in the meantime, here are 20 things I’ve learned since leaving the church:

  1. God is not a man.
  2. There is no pre-determined path called “God’s will”…

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Prayer 292: The Pathway

Dear God

Thank You that You provide a safe pathway for us to walk with You through our lives. Yes, there will be danger and pain, as well as joy, on the way, but Your presence makes the road that we tread a good one. Thank You.

New Paperback: Dear God, It’s All Gone Horribly Wrong (Prayers for Stressed Christians)

Prayers BookCoverImage

My book of prayers, Dear God, It’s All Gone Horribly Wrong (Prayers for Stressed Christians) is now available as a paperback on Amazon.

Being a Christian in the modern world can be very stressful indeed. Everyone either thinks we’re having a wonderful time with our marvellous, mysterious God, or they think we’re fools for believing in a faith that surely died a death in the twentieth century … In both scenarios, the negative feelings, stress and depression frequently experienced by today’s Christian tend to be ignored, not least by one’s fellow Christians. However, in actual fact, God never discounts or ignores anyone. With this in mind, here are one hundred prayers which tell it like it is to God so that even the worst about us is brought out into the open. At the same time, the fact that God listens to all our prayers, no matter how angry, bitter or sad, is a beacon of hope for us all. May God travel with us more closely on our prayer journeys.

This book is also available as a Kindle.


Happy praying!

Anne Brooke Books

Comparison: The Thief of Joy

Things Are Not Always As They Appear

Prayer 291: Life with God

Dear God

Thank You that with You there is always a future and a hope and we are never left on our own. With You, our lives are so much more than we have ever asked for or imagined. Thank You for the wonderful gift of life in all its fullness. It means more to us all than we can ever truly say. Thank You.

I am never alone.

Wear Love Everywhere you go. -Colossians 3:14

We are taught a couple common themes within our lifetime. You are taught growing up that you’ll be a princess, you’ll find your prince, and your life is a Disney story. This theme carries on while little girls are brushing their hair, having tea parties, envisioning their princess wedding dress. This continues on until the cold reality of growing up sets in. We face diversity, ethics, morals, we face bullying, hatred, being alone and thus a new theme is born; you were born alone, you will die alone.

For one, I believed that for a long time. I often struggled with my faith, until faith was no longer in my vocabulary. I chased after the wrong people, took the wrong path. I found myself struggling day to day fighting off sadness, fighting off a feeling that shouldn’t be there, fighting off emptiness. I didn’t quite know how to ask what…

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Prayer 290: A job well done

Dear God

Thank You for the incredible satisfaction of a job well done – there’s really no feeling like it! I didn’t think that I’d be able to get everything at work finished yesterday, what with everything else that was going on around me, but I did, and I feel very happy indeed about it. Honestly, it’s the little things that make all the difference, isn’t it? So thank You for them.

Prayer 289: Comfort TV

Dear God

Thank You for comfort TV – I really love all those light-hearted crime dramas like Midsomer Murders and New Tricks as they’re just so soothing. Nothing quite like a jolly murder, is there? It’s just a shame that the Powers That Be seem to be taking these joyful offerings away from our screens and replacing them with the ghastly Nordic Noir or just any old Noir, sigh. Not all of us like our TV grim! So I pray that we might get less existential angst on our televisions and more simple fun. A prayer for TV and for life then. Thank You.